9:00 - 10:00
KEYNOTE PANEL - The Future of Conversational Robots
Amazon Echo, Google Home, and the social robots Jibo and ElliQ promise to enable users to perform many useful tasks, including control devices connected with the internet such as home appliances and industrial robots; educate and train users with self-improvement activities; entertain users with passive and active games and activities; perform transactions such as pay bills; shop for goods and services; solve problems such as diagnose illnesses; debug and repair products; calculate taxes; mediate conflicts; and protect and secure home and business. This panel begins with short demonstrations of products, followed by a discussion of issues such as these: What is a conversational robot and how do they differ from other current interactive technologies? What capabilities do conversational robots have beyond just searching the web, answering questions, and presenting information? How can you replace negative perceptions of robots with positive insights? What technologies, tools, and standards will to enable widespread creation and distribution of content for conversational robots?
Moderator Leor Grebler, Co-founder & CEO, Unified Computer Intelligence Corporation