May 23-25, 2016 | Omni Shoreham Washington DC

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SpeechTEK 2016 Agenda

Sunday, May 22, 2016

SpeechTEK University

Monday, May 23, 2016

Sunrise Discussions


9:00 - 10:00

Delivering World-Class Customer Service: Lessons From the Mouse

World-class customer service is not simply a matter of smiling employees who say “please” and “thank you.” Everything your customer sees, hears, or touches impacts user experience. “Everything speaks.” This keynote highlights how delivering world-class service requires careful orchestration of the entire customer experience. Attendees discover the key points of contact that make or break the customer experience; how to elevate the customer experience from ordinary to extraordinary; and customer service processes that make service excellence “business as usual.”

Presenter Dennis Snow, President, Snow & Associates, Inc.

Track A:
Changing Role of IVR

Track B:
Conversational UIs/
Internet of Things

Track C:
Virtual Assistants

Track D:

12:00 - 1:15


4:15 - 5:00

Solution Sessions

4:15 - 5:00

Solution Sessions

4:15 - 5:00

Solution Sessions

4:15 - 5:00

Solution Sessions

5:00 - 7:00

GRAND OPENING RECEPTION in the Customer Solutions Expo

Join your peers as we celebrate the grand opening of the Customer Solutions Expo. Visit with conference sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and other attendees while enjoying light hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Admittance is included with your full conference pass purchase.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sunrise Discussions


9:00 - 10:00

Keynote Panel: Social Impact of Conversing Robots

Social robots such as, Jibo, Honda’s ASIMO, and Hirto’s Pepper are making their way into the marketplace. What role(s) will they play in the family? What will the social impact of these robots have on family life? How will they interact with other computing facilities such as social media, business applications, games, commercial websites, and devices such as mobiles, wearables, automobiles, desktops, and laptops? How will they interact with family members of various ages, experiences, and interests? What are the social behaviors and rules they should follow? How will they formulate and present responses in a form appropriate to different family members? How will they deal with challenges such as privacy, safety, and parental control of content? What are the opportunities for new content and services enabled by social robots? Explore the future of computation and people as we move into this new frontier.

Moderator Peter B Krogh, Robot Experience Designer, Jibo
Presenters Bruce Balentine, Chief Scientist Emeritus, Enterprise Integration Group
Leor Grebler, Co-founder & CEO, Unified Computer Intelligence Corporation
Amy Stapleton, Analyst, Opus Research / Founder, Hutch.AI, / Opus Research

Track A:
IVR Innovations

Track B:

Track C:

Track D:
Technology Advances

4:15 - 5:15

IVR Case Studies

5:30 - 7:00

Networking Reception

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Sunrise Discussions


9:00 - 10:00

Driven to Distraction? Speech Technologies in the Automobile

Driver distraction is a persistent problem that can result in dire consequences, but new interactive technologies continue to be introduced into automobiles, giving drivers access to a wide range of information and entertainment options. Perhaps more significantly, drivers bring a variety of connected mobile devices into the car and are increasingly unwilling to disengage in the car. Speech technologies hold the promise of providing a safer interface by enabling eyesfree, hands-free interactions. However, the safety record for speech technologies in the car is still very much in question. Join us for a critical evaluation of the research, a discussion of its limitations, and an exploration of what is still unknown about the use of speech technologies in the car.

Presenter Richard Young, Research Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI USA

Track A:
Creative Voice Apps

Track B:
Designing Conversations

Track C:

Track D:
Standards & Guidelines

12:30 - 1:45


Thursday, May 26, 2016

SpeechTEK University

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Watch the 2016 preview below or see videos from previous SpeechTEK events by clicking here.