Customer Case Studies
By Customers For Customers
Customer case study presentations give you insight into how speech technologies are being applied in real-world situations. Presenters share how they successfully
procure, implement, and deploy existing speech applications and how they avoid common pitfalls. Customer case studies will be presented on automatic speech recognition solutions, analytics, and
speaker authentication across a wide variety of industries. Listen to presentations from companies in the following industries:
A205 – Case Study: Call Center Infrastructure Renewal Project
4:15 p.m - 5:00 p.m
Loris A Dumanian, Director, Contact Centre Infrastrcuture, Enterprise Services - Sun Life Financial
Sun Life Financial experienced major stability issues within its call center infrastructure. Learn how the company overcame these issues with a new call center infrastructure that provides the foundation for a highly resilient service. See how the new infrastructure provides the foundation for additional call center services, such as speech analytics, mobility, enhanced reporting and agent workforce planning, and agent virtualization. Additionally, learn how the IP infrastructure allows the services to provide global scale and reach, and how it can also be extended to include new channels for customer interactions such as social media.
B205 – Case Study: Disasters, Social Media, Speech, and Relief—A Match Made in Heaven?
4:15 p.m - 5:00 p.m
Mark P Pfeiffer, Chief Visionary Officer - SAIL LABS Technology AG EUROSINT
Learn how speech and natural language technologies are used with applications for managing open-source intelligence information about natural disasters, pandemics, and social disruptions such as the Arab Spring. What are the challenges now that traditional media has evolved to include information from many different sources including TV, blogs, Facebook, and Twitter? What will be the role of speech and language technologies in the future to help clients be universally prepared for random, dynamic, and mostly chaotic events?
C205 – Case Study: 5 Ways to Make Sure You Get What You Want
4:15 p.m - 5:00 p.m
Lynn Evans, Senior Business Consultant - Kathlyn Evans llc
We present multiple case studies to describe the most common major pitfalls in an implementation of a new speech solution, and describe very specific methods to overcome these challenges. Highlights include getting the right vendor at the right time; leveraging existing technology; assessing whether you’re on the right path; how to check the direction of the project before it is too late; the project ecosystem; and making technology do the grunt work, thereby speeding up time to market.
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