Customer Case Studies
By Customers For Customers
Customer case study presentations give you insight into how speech technologies are being applied in real-world situations. Presenters share how they successfully
procure, implement, and deploy existing speech applications and how they avoid common pitfalls. Customer case studies will be presented on automatic speech recognition solutions, analytics, and
speaker authentication across a wide variety of industries. Listen to presentations from companies in the following industries:
C101 – Best Practices for Using Analytics
10:15 a.m - 11:15 a.m
MODERATOR: Dan York, Director of Conversations - Voxeo, an Aspect Company
Enhancing Customer Service Operations
This session describes industry best practices for using speech analytics in the contact center; outlines the trend toward real-time data analysis and howit provides a competitive edge; describes the path toward improving key metrics, including first call resolution, average handle time, and average speed toanswer; and details specific steps to positively impact agent productivity and quality assurance without adding additional staff.
Analytics Use Cases
Amanda Harlin, Lead Technical Account Manager for Microsoft Tellme - Microsoft
Teams suffer from a lack of usable data to determine design improvements. Neither of the two common solutions — requesting custom instrumentation, or spending hours in manual analysis — is sustainable. This session examines alternative approaches to help analysts uncover application improvement opportunities and discusses the outcomes of prototypes used to test these approaches. The presentation concludes with a recommended process to automatically uncover the largest-impact opportunities to increase application performance, based on actual user behavior.
C301 – Speech Application Tuning Considerations
9:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m
MODERATOR: Dan York, Director of Conversations - Voxeo, an Aspect CompanyPete Slabek, Voice Portal Operations Specialist - United Healthcare Greg Johnston, Senior IT Manager - IVR, Information Technologies - DISH Network
Tuning speech applications is considered to be a dark and mysterious practice that takes place in a remote room behind closed doors. The presenters want to pull back the curtain and, by using real customer examples and data, show the tools, processes, and techniques they employ to tune speech applications. Also discussed are the key points to consider when tuning, including tuning without a budget.
C302 – Case Studies
10:45 a.m - 11:45 a.m
MODERATOR: Larry Murphy, Senior Manager, RTM Consulting & Professional Services - Convergys
Your Organization Needs a Superhero: The Voice Portal Specialist
Helen VanScoy, Director, User Interface Design - Performance Technology Partners Jessica Kaufman, Lead Voice Channel Specialist, Voice Channel, Operations Support - Blue Shield of California
The position of voice portal specialist is the champion for the caller and serves as a liaison between the business and technical units, spanning various departments. This case study follows Blue Shield of California’s journey in IVR design and development during the past 5 years. It outlines the implementing and refining of the BSC speech-enabled self-service phone system and the creation of the position of voice portal specialist, focused on creating a balance between cost-saving automation and customer satisfaction.
Transforming Customer Service With Speech Analytics
In 2006, Pitney Bowes invested in a suite software applications, including speech analytics. The speech analytics tool directs users to calls related to particular topics and allows them to quickly listen to the relevant aspects of the call. Using this functionality, Pitney Bowes has been able to reduce call transfers, address issues with fee waivers, and identify top issues regarding USPS rate-change calls into the call centers.
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