STKU-3 – Omnichannel Design: A Hands-On Workshop
1:30 p.m - 4:30 p.m
Samrat Baul, Senior Director, Application Design - [24]7
In this hands-on workshop, the presenters discuss their experiences with channel hopping issues based on live customer data. Attendees experiment with various design strategies to make them more usable and seamless. In the first part of the session, attendees experience live omnichannel prototypes that illustrate omnichannel design strategies. Using these live experiences, we can parse through usability questions such as these that are hard to discern in a void: Are proactive IVR prompts that reference online behavior creepy? How should online behavior influence the IVR experience? The latter half of the session is a guided forum based on the experiences gleaned from the prototypes. Attendees can discuss and voice their reactions and views on how to best design omnichannel solutions from a user-centered point of view. |
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