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SpeechTEK 2011 - Monday, August 8, 2011
C102 – Using Biometrics to Improve Workflow and Prevent Fraud
11:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m
MODERATOR: Valene Skerpac, Director - iBICS (iBiometrics, Inc.)
Julia Webb, Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing - VoiceVault
Nik Stanbridge, Director of Product Marketing - VoiceVault

A voice biometric e-signature can replace traditional ink-on-paper signatures and enable transactions to be securely and legally incorporated into end-toend electronic processes. Learn how e-signatures streamlined workflow in the healthcare industry. Voice biometrics can also minimize fraud. Learn how voice biometrics, combined with cell phone identification, is used in time-andattendance reporting for Medicare and Medicaid, thus minimizing fraud while maintaining a good user experience for the healthcare workers.

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