STKU-1 – Introduction to Speech Technologies
1:30 p.m - 4:30 p.m
Learn how to design and build multimodal applications, including the principles of multimodal design, and how to maximize the usability of multimodal applications for a variety of different users. The emphasis is on mobile applications that combine speech and graphics, but other input modalities such as pen or stylus and sensors are also discussed. Major design issues are examined, including the components of a multimodal application, maintaining consistency between the voice and graphical parts of a multimodal application, pros and cons of avatars, initiating voice input, when to use audio output and other types of feedback, accommodating different types of users, available platforms and development tools. We walk attendees through a development process with a current development platform, discuss standards for multimodal development, and evaluate the various types of testing and evaluation, including focus groups and field-testing. |
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